Translating neuroscience research into real world applications
NeuroStorm Studios is a neurotechnology company comprised of neuroscientists, physicians, developers and immersive media artists. Our mission is to apply concepts from the frontiers of scientific research in new technologies and experiences.
Use game technology to detect memory loss early
Members of our team have created immersive experiences and films that have been featured at festivals such as SXSW and Toronto International Film Festival. Our scientific depth comes from tenures at three Nobel-prize winning laboratories at Columbia University, Rockefeller University, and Weill Cornell Medical School.​ Select awards and speaking appearances shown below.
Awards and recognition
Our door is always open to new partners, collaborators, or anyone that just wants to say hi.
Email us at to schedule a meeting or use the form below.
Our office address is:
1412 Broadway, 21st Floor, #2125
New York, NY 10018